Thursday, November 1, 2012

Peace and Coexistance

At this moment, I don't think peace is possible. There is too much fire and fuel behind both sides for either one to give up. At this time, I think the only way the conflict would stop is if one side completely demolished the other. Hopefully that won't happen! Ideally they would find a way to coexist but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. I think the only way coexistance will be possible is in a few generations when both sides have exhausted power and resources. Even if that did happen, true peace between the two groups will be something that may never happen. Using America as an example, there is still a lot of animosity between that North and the South even though the Civil War happen back in the 1860s. When this much passion is put behind a conflict, an easy resovle is near to impossible. I hope that coexistance will happen but realistically I don't think it will happen anytime soon. I do think the international community should start encouraging peace and do this by stopping sending so much aid. I don't think the US should be sending a third of the aid budget just to Israel in military weapons. This only aids the conflict.

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